My first attempt to start a video game

Hello, fellow gamers and enthusiasts!

Welcome to the very first devlog for "Skyborne Warriors"! I'm incredibly excited to embark on this journey and share the early stages of development with you all. Whether you're a fan of classic shoot 'em ups or just love seeing new games come to life, I hope you'll join me as I craft this high-flying adventure.

Proof of Concept: Laying the Groundwork

Every great game starts with a solid foundation, and that's exactly where I'm right now. In this proof of concept phase, I'm focusing on establishing core gameplay mechanics  that will define the essence of Skyborne Warriors.

Core Mechanics Development

My primary focus has been on nailing down the feel of the game. Here's what we've been up to:

  • Basic Player Movement: Implemented smooth and responsive controls that allow players to effortlessly navigate the skies.
  • Shooting System: Developed a simple yet satisfying shooting mechanic, with basic projectile types and firing rates.
  • Enemy Prototypes: Introduced a few enemy types with basic behaviors to start testing combat interactions.

Join Me on This Journey!

I believe that (game) development is a collaborative process, and I'd love to have your input and support as I build Skyborne Warriors. Stay tuned for regular updates, and don't hesitate to share your thoughts, suggestions, and feedback!

Thanks for reading! And see you around!


Skyborne Warriors.exe 84 MB
26 days ago
Skyborne 138 bytes
26 days ago

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