Devlog #3: Enemy Classes Incoming!

Hey, Pilots!

It’s time for another update on Skyborne Warriors! Lately, I’ve been focusing on adding some serious pressure to the gameplay by working on the enemy classes. These enemies are designed to push the player to move strategically, dodge attacks, and keep the adrenaline high throughout each level.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the three enemy types I’ve been working on:

  • Tank: These heavy-duty foes have limited movement but make up for it with their durability. They’re slow but tough to take down, making them a constant threat on the battlefield if left unchecked.
  • Top-Down: These enemies move from the top to the bottom of the screen, relentlessly chasing the player. They’re a staple of vertical shmups, forcing quick reflexes and constant positioning.
  • Speedster: The Speedsters zip across the screen horizontally at high speed. Their quick movement requires sharp timing to avoid and makes them a constant challenge, keeping players on their toes.

Each of these enemies brings its own dynamic to the game, and balancing them is going to be key to making sure the player always feels the heat without being overwhelmed. I’m really excited about how they’re shaping up and can’t wait to see how they all work together to create engaging combat scenarios.

That’s it for now! Stay tuned for more updates as I continue refining the enemy mechanics and integrating them into the gameplay.

Fly high, Carlos

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